% of Sustainable Public Procurement in total public procurement for a set of prioritized product groups ( CBB )
This indicator is proposed as an indicator for Sustainable Development Target 12.7 Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities
Value Range
for %of SPP: Poor; developed at a pilot level. Issues with availability of procurement data, selection of criteria and product groups; for CO2 emissions: Poor; developed at a pilot level. Issue with the availability of procurement data
Linkages: % of SPP in total PP': 8.4, 12.2; 'CO2 emissions: 8.4, 7.2
Questions, answers and comments
The list of indicator proposals (as of 11 August 2015) used for the IAEG-SDG Open Consultation with Civil Society, Academia and Private Sector.
460 item pages.