
Number of Parties to international multilateral environmental agreements on hazardous and other chemicals and waste that meet their commitments and obligations in transmitting information as required by each relevant agreement

This indicator is proposed as an indicator for Sustainable Development Target 12.4 By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment

Value Range


Very good availability of information through the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, SAICM, Minamata Convention, and Montreal Protocol(Ozone).

Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, Interim Secretariat of the Minamata Convention, SAICM Secretariat . Countries covered:
183 Parties of the Basel Convention, 154 Parties to the Rotterdam Convention and 179 countries to the Stockholm Convention; Montreal Protocol Data are available for up to 196 countries

Linkages: Applicable to target 17.14

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The list of indicator proposals (as of 11 August 2015) used for the IAEG-SDG Open Consultation with Civil Society, Academia and Private Sector.

460 item pages.