
Composite Energy Efficiency Improvement Index built up of sub-indicators measuring transport energy efficiency, industrial energy efficiency, power generation energy efficiency, buildings energy efficiency and agricultural energy efficiency ( CBA )

This indicator is proposed as an indicator for Sustainable Development Target 07.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency

Value Range


The transport sector is a major user of fossil fuels, and a major emitter of greenhouse gasses. CO2 emissions are growing more rapidly than any other sector - set to go from one quarter today to one third by 2050. By measuring the average fuel economy we can measure the overall CO2 emissions of the global fleet. A number of global fora - IPCC, G20, SE4ALL, GFEI, have adopted a target of at least doubling the efficiency of the average vehicles / the global fleet, which would save 2GT CO2e/ year by 2050


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The list of indicator proposals (as of 11 August 2015) used for the IAEG-SDG Open Consultation with Civil Society, Academia and Private Sector.

460 item pages.